Our charter
All schools within the Trust welcome the opportunity to be an equal and valued partner within EMET and see their success measured in the achievement of their own targets and those of the Trust as a whole.
Partner schools undertake to contribute to the success of the Trust by
- Working together in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation to further the interests of all Trust members.
- Celebrating and building on the traditions of all partner schools within the Trust.
- Developing our specialisms and strengths across the partnership whilst supporting one another in our respective areas for development.
- Taking a partnership approach to the recruitment and selection of staff.
- Ensuring that our facilities are used to their fullest extent by the partnership and its community.
- Coordinating our calendar to ensure that it enhances the opportunities for staff and students to work on partnership initiatives.
- Contributing to partnership wide CPD opportunities for all staff.
- Adapting our timetable and options system to promote wider choice and participation for staff and students within the partnership.
- Deploying our best teachers, managers and leaders within the partnership, to promote the best teaching and learning across the partnership.
- Making a unique contribution to the development of knowledge, skills and understanding in education.
- Providing the Directors with accurate and useful information about the progress of the partner schools.